Sunday 4 October 2015

Of Newfound love

“There is absolutely no way that I am letting you people take this reckless decision. It may seem like fun and games, but I swear I’m telling you it’s going to be a nightmare”
These were my exact words when my family asked me about my opinion on getting a dog. Don’t get me wrong, I love animals but the thought of my younger brother being responsible for another living being wasn’t the most reassuring one. I knew it was just a phase that he might be pleading and begging now but come the dog and time to take care of it, he would dump the entire responsibility on my mother. And I was pretty aware of the gigantic mess that comes with them. So for obvious reasons, my vote was a no.
But since I don’t live with my parents anymore, my vote could only go so far. They ended up getting a Labrador that was about a month old. Off course it looked adorable. The first time I visited home after its arrival, it was about 2 month old and it came to welcome me at the door with his tail wagging and that cute heart melting face of his. My brother named him Ezzio and soon my all our dinner table conversations became about that creature. My mother would send me 10 pictures of him a day. I’ll have to admit, back then I couldn’t really see what was great about him. Yes he was cute, but aren’t all little furry things?

The next time, I visited after a month. He had now grown in size and had become more playful. This time, he came running towards me and held on tight to my skirt. Eventually I opened up to him as I spent the next 6 days at home. It started following me around everywhere. Woke me up every morning, waited for me near the door when it was time for me to get back home in the evening. Yes he did kind of start to grow on me. When I had to leave home to get back to Delhi, it was hard to admit to myself that I was going to miss him.
Next and the most recent time I visited home, He was about 6 months old. He was no more a little puppy. Was a bundle of energy that was hard to control. He was more playful than ever and also hungrier than ever. His energy was contagious and we became inseparable. I would take him out for walks, give him food, and play with him the entire day. Without my awareness, this creature had crept its way into my heart and had persuaded me to love it. You can’t help but fall in love with them.

Something, the thought of which was so revolting a couple of months ago, has now become an integral part of my life. It’s funny to think how now I may not be wanting to pay visit to my home otherwise, but the thought of that dog drags me there. 

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