Monday 26 October 2015

Clothing during Renaissance

Renaissance, literally meaning Rebirth was a significant period in history which began around the 14th century ending the dark time called middle ages. After a grim period in history, Renaissance was a period of light. It brought with it, the decline of the feudal system, growth of commerce, innovation of paper, Mariner’s compass, printing, gunpowder, etc. It was also a time of high order thinking and people engaged in intellectual talks. All this meant that people now had the time and energy to put efforts into their clothing

The styles of the gowns worn in Renaissance changed from year to year, but the basic styles remained the same. Women wore gowns comprised of a tight-fitting bodice and a fuller skirt that would hang down to the ankles. This was a time when women’s dressing emphasized their curves. Dresses cut to expose much of the neckline were both acceptable and fashionable. As in other periods as well, clothing of the upper classes was heavy and cumbersome, and restricted movement for the wearer.


Women of the lower classes enjoyed much more freedom in what they wore, both because they couldn’t afford the heavy gowns and also so that they were comfortable enough to work in what they wore. They would wear a much looser corset, or none at all, and would possibly eschew other underpinnings such as bum rolls (crescent-shaped cushions worn around the hips) or farthingales (hoop skirts used to hold the skirts out) for added comfort.





All women's outfits be it upper class or lower class, started with a shift (a loose, linen smock worn to protect the gown), and stockings, which were normally knee-high. Petticoats were added both to fill out a gown and to keep the wearer warm.

A man's outfit would start with a shirt, which was quite similar to the shirts worn today but instead of the regular collars and cuffs, has them made out of frills. Over this would go a doublet, or fitted top, and finally over that a jerkin, a close-fitting jacket. Men of the working class like their female counterparts dressed for utility and might simply wear the shirt alone.

For their lowers, instead of trouser, men wore 2. The lower one being stockings and the upper one being a doublet which were frilly trousers just till the knees. In the reign of Henry VIII, doublets became shorter, creating a space between the upper hose and the doublet.


The Renaissance was an inspirational period for clothing and was considered one of the most stylish times. A lot of designers and luxury houses still take inspiration from clothing of that period. Brands like Dolce and Gabbana, Channel, Dior and many more have come u with collections inspired from that time. All in all, it is quite evident that times of intellectual prosperity lead to times of a greater aesthetic sense. 


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