Sunday 27 September 2015

Revival of Maggi

Any brand needs to put in a lot of effort in order to build a respectable brand name and lace in the market. Intense research on product, its packaging, connection the audience, it’s advertisement campaigns and many other things go into making up of a successful brand. But a brand image, no matter how much time it took to be built doesn’t take long to be shattered.
Taking the example of Nestle Maggi. It is a product that had been a part of almost every Indian household since we all can remember. Ou generation literally grew up on Maggi. But one fine day, we hear a news that our very beloved Maggi contained levels of lead that are way higher than what is safe for consumption. The news spreads like wildfire and before we know it, Maggi is being banned from many states. Now the gravity of the situation was such that it did call for a huge step. Nestle had broken people’s trust. Maggi was supposed to be the ultimate comfort food, something that one would reach for when everything else was too hard and time consuming to make. So when this very product was found out to be harmful for consumption, the brand had a huge crises at hand.
Whenever situations like these occur, the brand gets stuck in a vulnerable position wherein they very carefully need to scrutinise the situation and take each step with extreme caution so as to not make the situation any worse. In this case, Maggi is trying their hand at various strategies. I shall be working in a little as to what according to me could be the next steps taken by Maggi to build back their brand image.
I really feel that this particular product has more emotional connect to the audiences that any other brand of instant noodles. And so one way to reconnect with the audience could be through the medium of digital marketing and social media. For this, a great tool could be snap chat. It could consist of the brand hiring actors to make and upload videos that are only a couple of seconds long. They could range over a couple of things such as showing youngsters cooking Maggi. A group of students living in their hostel cooking Maggi at night. Little clips to make sure the brand gets some recall value.
Another strategy that I feel could work is huge hoardings. Since Maggi is still making corrections in their brand and will relaunch their product in near future. These hoardings could just be huge ones by the side of busy roads and highways. Passing cars and passengers will not miss them. They should just be minimal haordings with the logo of maggi in the centre and a one liner saying COMING SOON or WE MISS YOU TOO or IT’LL BE WORTH THE WAIT. These hoardings will ensure that people remember the brand even when it is not in the market. And will also build the anticipation for future.

Maggi according to me has been great in handling the situation. To retract their product was a wise thing to do and now let’s hope and see how they come up with an improved product which is able to wine back it’s consumers.

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