Friday 18 September 2015

Digital media versus Traditional media

Benefits of digital media over traditional media for a fashion and lifestyle/luxury brand
It’s a fast pace world today and everybody wants services at their doorstep. It’s the generation of the young and the restless who wouldn’t like to wait to get what they want. Here is where digital media overpowers traditional forms of media such as television and print advertisements.
For starters, digital media is more action oriented. If u see and ad in the newspaper, it’s a very rarely occurrence that you will go to their website and order that handbag you really liked in the ad. Whereas if the same ad popped up while you were browsing through your Facebook feed, you are more likely to click on it, go directly to the website, and may place an order for the same.
Next, digital media can be way more persistent than traditional media. If you’re watching the television or even going through your favourite fashion magazine, you are most likely to skip through the ads. But if you happen to be online, there’s not much you can do. Every time you are on a website, a pop up ad of the last fashion/lifestyle you were on will keep distracting you. The occasional non skip-able YouTube ads will do the same.
Digital media is also way more interactive and immediate than traditional media. Have an issue with the product you bought, write an email to the customer care and you will receive an immediate reply. This is off course way better than going to their store and asking someone for help in which case you might not be responded with great enthusiasm or service.

Role of a mobile (Smart phone) in digital marketing for a fashion and lifestyle brand/luxury brand
For most people, a mobile phone is the most immediate electronic device and stays in the most proximity. There is nothing as compact, multipurpose and efficient as the mobile phone. It plays an extremely significant role in digital marketing for a fashion and luxury/lifestyle brand since it is so well integrated in our lives.
Taking practical examples, when a store launches their new collection, you get an SMS on your phone telling you the same. Even if you don’t physically go to the store to check it out, it does register in your brain and you are aware that they have come out with a new collection. You are sent similar SMSs when there’s a sale about to begin or any other promotional activity that’s happening.
We may not read the newspaper every day or listen to the radio, but we sure will use our phone every single day.  Hence, any information that any brand would want to send us through our phones, would almost be impossible to not notice.

Going through other forms of media may seem like a task but going through our phones doesn’t seem like so. With so many apps present on our smartphones such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat, etc. we barely open these sites on our laptops or PCs but frequently go through them on our phones while on our way to work, waiting to meet someone, waiting for our food at a restaurant, etc. 

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